Nina Rashid
I started my yoga journey in Kerala, India whilst flying around the world as cabin crew for a major airline based in the Middle East. I loved the softness of yoga, compared to other sports, I have always been very active and competitive.
Yoga, in all it’s forms drew me into it’s magical realm and within one year I found myself at the beautiful White Lotus foundationtraining to be a teacher with the esteemed Ganga White in 1998.I have since trained in several different styles, Bikramyoga, Fierce Grace, restorative, children’s yoga, meditation, yin, yoga nidra, dynamic mindfulness, nordic walking and I still consider myself a student.
I am passionate about making yoga accessible to everyone and am an Accessible yoga Ambassador and teacher in the UK.I volunteer for several charities, teaching yoga to stroke patients, cancer patients and people with chronic illness. I am currently 6 years clear from breast cancer myself.I am looking forward to meeting everyone at Calm Collective and teaching here, a studio with a very kind, healing energy.